Can hydrocodone and ketrolac be taken together

Can hydrocodone and ketrolac be taken together
Can I take Ibuprofen and Hydrocodone. Can oxycodone and hydrocodone be taken.about 32 hours in. Only a little RLS and a little shakey but other than that I'm alright. I think I mite take a flexeril and try and sleep. I wonder if what Im d
22.06.2008 · Best Answer: Yes, You can. Those medicines combination will be the strong analgesic.But be careful for the side and adverse effect for those medicines
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Can hydrocodone and ketrolac be taken together
Can you take hydrocodone and aspirin.

Vicodin (Hydrocodone with Acetaminophen).
First you need to check your hydrocodone medication to see if it already contains aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid or ASA). Hydrocodone is almost always dispensed as a
14 May 2010. Since tramadol is not really an opioid and it's not as powerful or strong as hydrocodone I should say so yes why not other people have taken worse with
can i take flexeril and hydrocodone.
Yes they are both opiates therefore can be mixed just not in large doses. If you take a vic at noon you can take a perc or percs at 4pm-6pm. Well yeah, if the pain